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/ Blender Volume 1 #3 / Blender Magazine volume1.3 1994.iso / pc / blender / files / musrev.dir

Jump To: Image (166)  |  Audio (30)  |  Other (1)

Images (166)

Audio & Music (30)
00076_Sound_JFK.Strange.audio Waveform Audio File Format 27s 299KB 1995-05-01
00094_Sound_Rock Intro.loop Waveform Audio File Format 21s 240KB 1995-05-01
00103_Sound_OUTHEREBROS.SAMPLE Waveform Audio File Format 29s 327KB 1995-05-01
00106_Sound_shortstrange(911isajoke) Waveform Audio File Format 11s 121KB 1995-05-01
00107_Sound_bright yellow gun 11.8wav Waveform Audio File Format 28s 317KB 1995-05-01
00108_Sound_KoroKoro11.8wav Waveform Audio File Format 33s 364KB 1995-05-01
00109_Sound_lights are changing 11.8wav Waveform Audio File Format 30s 339KB 1995-05-01
00110_Sound_monasplat11.8wav Waveform Audio File Format 31s 348KB 1995-05-01
00111_Sound_nice shot 11.8wav Waveform Audio File Format 32s 359KB 1995-05-01
00112_Sound_thru the window 11.8wav Waveform Audio File Format 27s 303KB 1995-05-01
00113_Sound_unrequited love song 11.8wav Waveform Audio File Format 29s 323KB 1995-05-01
00119_Sound_fallen angel 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 30s 336KB 1995-05-01
00123_Sound_911 is a joke (cd) 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 32s 360KB 1995-05-01
00124_Sound_babylon11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 34s 374KB 1995-05-01
00125_Sound_bottom heavy11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 29s 322KB 1995-05-01
00128_Sound_chinese firedrill 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 23s 259KB 1995-05-01
00131_Sound_if i die 2nite 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 29s 320KB 1995-05-01
00132_Sound_inbetweener 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 31s 343KB 1995-05-01
00134_Sound_move on 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 30s 332KB 1995-05-01
00135_Sound_my iron lung 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 29s 329KB 1995-05-01
00136_Sound_scratch 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 26s 295KB 1995-05-01
00137_Sound_sick of myself 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 31s 346KB 1995-05-01
00138_Sound_so get up 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 28s 311KB 1995-05-01
00139_Sound_spoons for seven 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 25s 278KB 1995-05-01
00141_Sound_thrak 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 28s 316KB 1995-05-01
00151_Sound_plateau 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 28s 314KB 1995-05-01
00152_Sound_wutcha want 11.8 Waveform Audio File Format 24s 273KB 1995-05-01
00166_Sound_chinese firedrill short Waveform Audio File Format 11s 130KB 1995-05-01
00168_Sound_bottom heavy short Waveform Audio File Format 5s 65KB 1995-05-01
00170_Sound_new funky short loop NJdrive Waveform Audio File Format 11s 121KB 1995-05-01

Other Files (1)
00062_Bitmap_MUSIC REVIEWS 5 PANEL.PICT Unknown 1KB 1995-05-01